Okay people; let's just look at a couple clear facts:
*We live in North Dakota
*North Dakota experiences snow and ice
*Ice causes roads to be very slick
*Slick roads can cause crashes
That's just it! Our people have learned to go....go....go....without any concern. It is an absolute fact that people no longer worry about conditions as long as they can get in their car and drive. Basically, as people hurry themselves to finish everything in a short amount of time, the work is not done as sufficiently.
For instance, a homework assignment meets procrastination! A large paper is due at midnight, and the author does not begin to write until eleven. Now, if the writer is good enough to create a five page masterpiece within an hour, than more power to them, but that are not most people. For the rest of us, the work should take more than the allotted amount of time. Therefore, when the writer is given their paper back with a low or failing grade, should they be mad at the professor or themselves.
It is critical that people slow down. Europeans have embraced this ideal long before us in the states. People need to slow themselves down in order to understand exactly what is going on around them.
Take for example, this situation with a 22-year-old male grad student. His academic life is going well, but there is no time for a social life. Read the article from Go Ask Alice to see what she suggests. People need to slow down. As someone always tells us when we are younger: “Stop and smell the roses.”
That is just it.
People don’t listen.
People don’t want to listen.
And in turn, things such as easily avoided car accident occur. What happened to smelling the roses? What happened to appreciating everything that lay in front of you?
Until recently, I have taken life for granted, and I know I am not alone. It is funny what small events can change one’s perspective on something as important as life.
There are easy ways to slow down and enjoy everything that is in front of us every day. People are in too much of a hurry to really understand that every day is a gift, not a right. We have the privilege of living as we do: Why would someone try to mess it up by moving just a little too fast?
I think for college students it is especially hard to realize that sometimes we can only handle a little bit at a time. And what we can do with that time is the best we could give. I often find myself trying to get stuff done early so I am ahead or caught up, but then I am super stressed out. I am moving next week and now have to start a full-time job I got. To say the least I am worried. For the past six-months, I have not been working but focusing on school instead. So it is nice to wake up and just relax and spend my day taking the time I need on homework. I cannot wait until May! School stresses me out too much. It is hard for me to place such a strong emphasis upon my grades and what not. What stresses you out to make your life fast pace?
ReplyDeleteVery interesting Kyle! It seems like everyone is always in such a hurry to get places or to get things done. I wish I could go back to when I was a kid and had all the time in the world. Back then, my parents were always rushing and were like we only have this amount of time to go shopping and then we need to get you to this camp or this activity. Now, I look back and I am turning into a person like that, who is rushing through events everyday just to get through them. Us as Americans especially, need to slow down and appreciate life as we have it.